Testimonials and Reviews

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Comments & Reviews

5.0 rating
May 17, 2024

I recommend them 100% Luis has a great work team, since he is tremendous professional and expert in everything that has to do with swimming pools! offers excellent services and good prices! He has a lot of patience to clarify doubts and resolve any emergency or problem, if not, his work team is always there to solve it! If you want a better option for your pool, Luis is the best! And the best thing is Luis, the boss, speaks English and Spanish! really POOLS CLEANLINESS Solution thank you! you are the best

Dorysmar Ramirez
5.0 rating
June 16, 2021

highly recommended, Luis is always ready to answer your questions and offer an excellent services. We are very satisfied

Rene Flores
5.0 rating
September 16, 2020

Excellent service in pool cleaning. The best of the best. 100% recommended

Carlos Martinez
5.0 rating
September 3, 2020

Luis & his team is doing a great job taking cate of our pool. He’s always responsive, sends videos pictures explaining briefly the issues . I would recommend his services to all pool owners

Fred A
5.0 rating
August 27, 2020

Great Service nice people

Donald Crecco
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